The Villages 2022 Senior Games will be held April 16 - 24th, with basketball 3 on 3 games Saturday 4/23 8am - 1:30 pm at the high school gym & basketball shooting Friday 4/22 at 5 pm at the HS.
To view or download the 2022 Senior Games Registration booklet,
click Registration Booklet. Once there you can download it or just print pages 11 & 12 for the Team Registration form to be submitted to the Rec Dept by 3/28.
The senior games participants/teams are age-grouped in 5-year increments starting at 50 years old. You can play down in age but you cannot play up in age. Various cities hold senior games tournaments throughout the year. Some tournaments allow qualifying teams to advance to the next level of national competitive play.
This member list by SG age category (below) will help you organize teams.